Adobe After Effects


  • Put a script from CGRU plugins folder


    to AfterFX scripts folder

    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\Scripts

  • Allow script to connect network

    Preferences - General - Allow scripts to Write Files and Access Network


Tool Dialog

General Tab

Here are general job parameters.


Movie Tab

Here you can ask Afanasy to create a small preview movie.


Watch Job

This is how a job will be displayed in the Watch GUI.


Shared Script Location

You can put a CGRU plugin script to some shared (network) location. In this case you should create a script:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\Scripts\Afanasy.jsx

var scriptFile = new File("\\\\server\\share\\cgru\\plugins\\afterfx\\Afanasy.jsx");;